-no offensive behaviour, be respectful to everyone
-harrassment from other members are to be reported.
-arguments and dispute are to be taken to private messaging. If it becomes a serious problem, a counsellor or exectutor can be called in to help sort the problem. The counsellor or exectutor must be non-biased, and have the interest of the guild in mind. They are not there to take sides, but to maintain the peace. If the problem escalates further, it shall be taken to the leader or director.
-we are a family, and so we forgive. That is, we get over it and leave it behind, even if it is unjust. ideally both sides will reconcile to each other regardless.
-posts/notices that are intended just for the admin team are not to be relayed back to the members
if any of the guild rules has been breached, then a formal warning from an officer is filed.
-three warnings will lead to being kicked from the guild
-after a year, the warnings will be nullified.
-a list of those on warnings, when and why will be published onto the admin-only section of the forums.
-the punishments are fair and reasonable, and there is sufficient warning beforehand. However, if you feel you have been treated unjustly, you can ask for a re-evaluation from the leader or director.